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Feste per bambini a roma

Difficulty1 Portions10 Time in minutes60

Flour (as enough as you need) - 1 Kg. of honey - 1,5 Kg. of peeled hickory nut, hazelnut and almonds - 30 grs. of big ground pepper - the peel of two oranges - oil of seeds.
Convert european unity of measure

  The only difficulty resides in mixing the ingredients; the workmanship asks for a discreet dose of energy!
The exact quantity of the flour is determined by the kind of honey; begin with one kg. and you will see that part of the flour won't be absorbed from the mix.
Loosen the honey and prepare one "hillock" with the flour; pour all the ingredients and amalgam them until you get a compact mix. Make with the mix some little cakes, anoint a saucepan and let them cook for 15 minutes at 180°. Remove from the oven (don't extinguish it), cut the little cakes in the sense of the width and form the biscuits. Bake them for other few minutes, watching out to turn them on every side until they won't be well gilded.